Stevenage Driving Test Centre

Provided are contact details for Stevenage Driving Test Centre, test route tips, test booking information and help passing the driving test in Hertfordshire.


Practical Driving Test Centre Address
3 Drapers Way

Test Centre Details:  Steep stepped access to first floor of Stevenage Driving Test Centre. Special arrangements to be made for candidates with disability issues. No toilets available. Please note that due to parking restrictions you need to Park and leave your accompanying driver with your car, take the token with you to the test centre. You may only park 5 minutes before the test or a charge will apply to you.
Test Centre Provides Tests For: Car, Taxi


During the driving test from Stevenage Driving Test Centre, many challenging and varied roads will be taken. Often driving outside of Stevenage itself will result in rural country roads (see the country road driving tutorial for further advice), villages and perhaps high speed ‘A’ roads such as the A602 dual carriageway.

In Stevenage, the examiner will expect a high standard of driving, regard for others and safety at most major traffic systems. Expect all roundabout types, junctions and crossroads.

The driving test from Stevenage Driving Test Centre often takes you on quieter residential areas, often used for test manoeuvres of which one of the possible four will be requested. The areas are also to test your ability for meeting vehicles whilst navigating parked vehicles and passing distances (see passing parked cars). The test routes are compiled by the examiners who conduct the tests at each specific test centre.

Test routes are compiled to utilise as many varied road types and traffic systems as possible so to ensure the test candidate is proficient in all aspects of driving. Test routes often include difficult parts and by gaining knowledge of the routes offers valuable insight into what to expect on the test. Driving test routes may be available to view or a downloadable app for your mobile device in your area, including Stevenage Driving Test Centre.


Tests can be booked so they they’re scheduled at any time of the day from Monday to Friday. Certain test centres during busy times of the year may offer Saturday bookings. Saturday bookings cost slightly more to book.

Stevenage Driving Test Centre
Stevenage Driving Test Centre

Book a driving test by phone
Practical driving tests can be booked over the telephone via an automated service. To book a test at Stevenage Driving Test Centre, see the book a driving test section for booking contact telephone numbers. Although this is an automated service, a Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) assistant can be reached by following the prompts.

Book your driving test online
The majority of test candidates book their driving test over the internet as the available free test slots are made visible to be taken. To make a test booking at Stevenage Driving Test Centre, see the book a driving test section.

Rescheduling or cancelling the driving test
Driving Tests can be rescheduled or cancelled. Changing your driving test date can be done providing three working days’ notice is given. To cancel your test and receive a full refund from DVSA bookings, three working days’ notice must also be provided. Saturdays are also classed as a working day.


Practical driving test pass rates vary from centre to centre. This can often be due to the location, often busier areas having a slightly lower pass rate. Driving tests can be taken at any UK test centre. Choosing an area that you feel more confident in may benefit. The driving test pass rates section may show driving test pass rate statistics for your practical test centre.


For driving test booking and test amendments such as rescheduling or cancelling, please only contact the DVSA as above. Test centre staff may be contacted directly if you have a question that directly relates to your test – examples may include an issue with your test vehicle (see cars for the driving test), or if a test is still going ahead due to bad weather (see driving tests in bad weather for further information). Your test centre contact telephone details (including Stevenage Driving Test Centre) may be located driving test centre contact numbers section.


Tell others about your experience at Stevenage Driving Test Centre and let us know how your test went, did you pass or fail, how was the test centre, were there toilets or parking facilities? Were the test routes difficult? How were the test examiners? It’s quick and simple – no signup necessary and only your nickname will be displayed. To ensure your review meets our guidelines, please read our Terms and Conditions prior to submission.

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Average rating:  
 13 reviews
 by Anonymous

Today I had my driving test at Stevenage with the examiner Dave! Prior to starting I was really nervous but he made me feel at ease which helped me stay calm and concentrate! Thank you so much Dave, you were great!

 by Tayla

My driving examiner, Fitz, was amazing. I passed and had Fits on my second test and I felt extremely comfortable. It was as though I had a friend in the car and this helped me calm my nerves and think about my driving. I will be forever grateful for him and the way he examines driving. You could not get a better examiner.

 by Dumb Test Centre

I have waited 3 years to book a test. There are still none available.
This is the shittest service on the planet. The apes that run this building should get their heads out of their ass holes and do their jobs. This is a fucking disgrace. Cant even do my test its been fucking years.

 by Trevor Reynolds

Terrible experience today at Stevenage test centre I had the lady with the east European accent with black hair.She made me feel very nervous and failed me for the stop on the right reverse manoeuvre. She claimed I caused a problem for a car approaching from behind me which I had spotted and was no way impeeding the cars progress in any way. I looked behind saw the car through the rear window and rear and side mirror.
She was really bossy and did not have a pleasant demeanor which was making me more nervous however I had a really good safe drive and was really shocked to discover I had failed. She also gave me 17minor faults on top of the serious fault for observation in her opinion. She is far too stringent with her assesment I was driving in full compliance with the highway code. I feel completely crushed by this as I was so ready for this test. I will be appealing this test result and hopefully get a retest soon but will be praying I don't get her again as she is miserable and biased but messing with people lives as I had this test in the bag. Disgusting.

 by Oskar

Took my second driving test today and the woman was nothing but horrible and very rude and ignorant, talked down to me like I was no one, made me feel really uncomfortable waving her hands about whilst I was driving made it very unclear if where I needed to go and made me get distracted and claimed that I failed because I pulled out in front of a motorcyclist even though he was no where near me he was 100m away from when I pulled out and she put it down as a serious fault and without even leaving the centre already failed me which I think is very unfair I am very disappointed about this because I’ve had to wait nearly a year for my test and for it to be ruined and practically sabotaged before I even started, the woman her name is Julia I was disgusted on how she treated me and spoke to me she was very moody and grumpy since I first got there and didn’t even say hello just shouted at me saying that I shouldn’t park outside here because I was meant to wait in the car park opposite which I thought was unfair as well because I had to pay with my own money to drive in there, I very highly recommend not to use this teat centre as it is really unfair, I hope that Julia receives all this feedback and I would like a written formal apology of the way she spoke to me as I would like to take this further if she doesn’t because it wasn’t fair and she doesn’t know the laws,

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